(for instructions in Croatian, scroll down / upute na hrvatskom su dolje niže)
Big news – your child can become the author of the official card in the GIRI Game.
We are looking for two new Theme category cards – ‘happiness’ and ‘head in the clouds’.
The two winners will also get a GIRI Game set ✌️
Here are some rules to follow:
- Engage your child to draw one or both cards,
- publish the drawing on your Instagram feed by using #girigame and tag our profile (https://www.instagram.com/giri.game/),
- send that drawing to our email ,
- the deadline for publishing and sending this is 28th of August 2021,
- your child can participate with more than one drawing,
- one person can only win one GIRI Game set,
- the set that the winners get will not yet contain this new card – it will be added to the next edition of the game,
- the jury for this contest are the three members of the core GIRI Game team,
- We will announce the winners on the 30th of August.
Let your kid’s imagination fly! 🙂
Uzbudljive vijesti – tvoje dijete može postati autor službene kartice u GIRI Game!
Tražimo dvije nove kartice u kategoriji Tema – ‘sreća’ i ‘glava u oblacima’.
Pobjednici će dobiti i GIRI Game set ✌️
Pravila nagradnog natječaja su sljedeća:
- Dijete može sudjelovati u natjecanju s crtežom jedne ili obje kartice,
- objavi crtež na svom Instagram feedu, koristi #girigame i označi naš profil (https://www.instagram.com/giri.game/),
- pošalji taj crtež na naš email [email protected]
- krajnji rok za objavljivanje i slanje je 28. kolovoza 2021.
- dijete može sudjelovati s više crteža u natjecanju,
- jedna osoba može osvojiti samo jedan set GIRI Game,
- Giri Game set koji pojednici dobiju neće sadržavati njihovu novu karticu, ta kartica će biti dodana sljedećem izdanju igre,
- žiri ovog natjecanja su tri članice tima GIRI Game,
- dva pobjednika ćemo objaviti 30. kolovoza.
Sretno i veselimo se svim novim crtežima 🙂